Saturday, 13 October 2012

Camera Types

There are a range of camara types with diffrent purposes.

Pinhole - A pinhole camera is a simply made light-proof box with a small hole (aperture) on one side of the camera that lets a small amount of focused light through. It has no lens and only one aperture size. Light from a scene passes through the hole and projects an upside down image on the opposite side of the box onto the film. Pinhole photography is a low expense camera as it can be made at home with household materials. I think the pinhole camera is very interesting to learn about, You don't have as much control over your image with pinhole cameras and they are made the simplest way but they can still make sharp beautiful images.

Point and shoot camera -  A point and shoot camera is also known as a compact camera. It is designed for simple projects. These sort of cameras are for people who want an easy and simple camera to record holidays or photos for your family albums. It is small and light weight, and could fit into your pocket, although the images aren't neccessarily bad images there picture quality is not to the best standards and the settings on the camera are limited i have been having alook at some point and shoot photography and i have to say i think it is really good, his name is Darwin Wiggett

Bridge Camera - A bridge camera is inbetween a compact camera and SLR. Bridge cameras have alot more functions and settings than a point and shoot such as being able to channge the aperture, shutter speed, ISO, white balance and other settings maually on most of these cameras although the sensors on them are usually the same as point and shoot cameras. I think these camera are good for people who are again taking pictures on holiday or just to record you families life but i also think you could take creative photos with these cameras you are just limited and you can't change the lenses on a Bridge camera but i do thing this camera is ideal for a large range of people.

SLR - . A SLR camera is a popular choice for serious photography. It is a sophisticated camara that offer interchangeable lenses and allow photographers to have complete control of shutter speed, lens aperture, focusing, and exposure. They have a wide range of diffrent settings and fuctions and they give you the option to add on flashes, motor drives and other accessories and i think they are brilliant to get creatice with although you can be creative with other types of cameras these cameras give you alot more control of your images and are mostly used by professionals/

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